14 July 2018

hello, little teacher II

**Update to one of my personally favorite posts from 2011,
as the lessons from this little teacher continue to deepen ....

Dream Flag, Buddhism, Kagyu, Karmapa
Karmapa Dream Flag via Wikimedia Commons

The American primitive painter Albert Pinkham Ryder (1847-1917) reported watching an inch-worm crawl up a twig and then, clinging to the very end, revolve in the air, feeling for something to reach. “That’s me,” he said, “I am trying to find something out there beyond the place on which I have a footing.”
- Robert Genn

_______________________Original post below______________________

As I was waking up with my unsettled, loose-end'ish feeling self and starting the day today, I was sitting at this desk when I noticed this tiny little worm. 

I noticed as s/he/'it' moved along that at times the surface of the desk seemed slippery and it
struggled for traction.
Sometimes the cracks made it turn and
go another way.
Sometimes it would topple over and get back up.
It went over the cracks, down the tiers of the edge of the desk and back up again several times.

What is going on here?
I curiously wondered.

08 July 2018

belonging. be.

I awoke
this morning 
in the gold light 
turning this way
and that

thinking for 
a moment 
it was one 
like any other.

the veil had gone 
from my 
darkened heart 
I thought

it must have been the quiet 
that filled my room,
it must have been 
the first 
easy rhythm 
with which I breathed 
myself to sleep,
it must have been 
the prayer I said 
speaking to the otherness 
of the night.

I thought 
this is the good day 
you could 
meet your love,
this is the gray day 
someone close 
to you could die.

This is the day 
you realize 
how easily the thread 
is broken 
between this world 
and the next
and I found myself 
sitting up 
in the quiet pathway 
of light,
the tawny close 
grained cedar 
burning round 
me like fire 
and all the angels 
of this housely 
heaven ascending 
through the first 
roof of light 
the sun had made.

This is the bright home 
in which I live, 
this is where 
I ask
my friends 
to come, 
this is where I want 
to love all the things 
it has taken me so long 
to learn to love.

This is the temple 
of my adult aloneness 
and I belong 
to that aloneness 
as I belong to my life.

There is no house 
like the house of belonging.

'The House of Belonging'
From The House of Belonging
Poems by David Whyte
© David Whyte and Many Rivers Press

03 July 2018

visions of heart's delight

Gratitude can turn a
meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend.

It makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today,

and creates a vision for tomorrow.
~Melody Beattie 
💚   🙏🏼   💚

When you are sorrowful,
look again in your heart,
and you shall see that in truth you are
weeping for that which has been your delight.
- Khalil Gibran

💙   🙏🏼   💙