
and what his blog encompasses...

It is an attempt to
explore the question
of what it means to live in possibility.
It is a creation based on my
especially of what it means
in our society and our world today.
I don't have any answers.
I consider this necessary work.
and feel it is important to share what is learned
along the way.
I was initially inspired to begin this blog after becoming acquainted with Benjamin Zander's
antidote to the downward spiral.
[Watch him in action here.]

This is an evolving work(play)-in-progress.

Selections are offered from the menu at this café
that touch in on this notion of possibility
from many angles,
the key ingredients being
spaciousness and softening
with the experience.
If something strikes a chord in you,
whatever flavor it may be,
my hope is that you will communicate that in some way so that we may all drink from the
life-affirming fountain of human connection.
Reminding us that
we are not alone, and we are
actually more alike than different.

'Good writing does not succeed or fail on the strength of its ability to persuade. It succeeds or fails on the strength of its ability to engage you, to make you think, to give you a glimpse into someone else's head.'
(Malcolm Gladwell ~ What the Dog Saw)

My wholehearted wish is for us all to
discover our own pathway to thrive,
to reach our full potential through
tapping into the upward spiral 
that is within each of us,
and to share of the
assured abundance
with others.

may we manifest
la joie de vivre!