23 December 2009

Happy Merry!

The charming boys I am blessed to spend this Christmas with ...

Written on Christmas Eve, 1513

I salute you.  I am your friend, and my love for you goes deep. 
There is nothing I can give you which you have not.  But there is much,
very much, that, while I cannot give it, you can take.  No heaven can
come to us unless our hearts find rest in it today.  Take heaven!
No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant.
Take peace! The gloom of the world is but a shadow.  Behind it, yet within
our reach, is joy. There is radiance and glory in darkness, could we but see. 
And to see, we have only to look.  I beseech you to look!

Life is so generous a giver.  But we, judging its gifts by their covering,
cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard.  Remove the covering, and you
will find beneath it a living splendor, woven of love by wisdom, with power.
Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the angel's hand that brings it to you.
Everything we call a trial, a sorrow or a duty, believe me, that angel's hand is there.
The gift is there and the wonder of an overshadowing presence.  Your joys, too,
be not content with them as joys.  They, too, conceal diviner gifts.

Life is so full of meaning and purpose, so full of beauty beneath its covering,
that you will find earth but cloaks your heaven.  Courage then to claim it; that is all!
But courage you have, and the knowledge that we are pilgrims together,
wending through unknown country home.

And so, at this time, I greet you, not quite as the world sends greetings,
but with profound esteem and with the prayer that for you, now and
forever, the day breaks and shadows flee away.

~ Fra Giovanni ~

12 November 2009

topaz ~ wisdom courage serenity

What the Day Gives
Suddenly, sun. Over my shoulder
in the middle of gray November
what I hoped to do comes back,
Across the street the fiery trees
hold onto their leaves,
red and gold in the final months
of this unfinished year,
they offer blazing riddles.
In the frozen fields of my life
there are no shortcuts to spring, 
but stories of great birds in migration
carrying small ones on their backs,
predators flying next to warblers
they would, in a different season, eat.
Stunned by the astonishing mix in this uneasy world
that plunges in a single day from despair
to hope and back again, I commend my life
to Ruskin's difficult duty of delight,
and to that most beautiful form of courage,
to be happy.
~ Jeanne Lohmann ~
(The Light of Invisible Bodies)

25 October 2009


My mom's name is Eunice.
I always thought it was a nice name,
and that it fit her, because she is, well, quite a nice person.
Plus she's a Minnesotan, and you know what they say about them...
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Recently someone who doesn't know anyone else in my family except me,
made a comment about my 'you-ness'.
I thought that was such a sweet thing to say and it kept rolling around in my head.
Then it hit me for the first time in my 37 years I've known my mother...
my Eu-nice!
It has been an enlightening journey discovering, honoring, and claiming
the parts of me that have the essence of her in them too.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Another friend speaks of all of what we receive from our birth parents as
fertile soil from which to grow.
I believe that to be true
whatever our current, past, or future relationship may be with them,
and that it's much larger than what the relationship is/was in the physical.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Oh what joy is to be found in simply witnessing our collective you-ness!

20 October 2009


By chance, during a poetry festival recently, I had an enlightening chat about communication with an acquaintance's husband, who just happens to also administer the Myers-Briggs personality test.
INFP! I said,
and he proceeded to share this story of an exchange between he (also an INFP)
and his wife (not so much of an INFP)... 

"The path from your brain to your mouth," she said to him after a particularly frustrating communication process, "is like a french horn. Except sometimes something coherent comes out the other end, and sometimes it doesn't!"

... to which he replied:
"And your path from your brain to your mouth is like a well-greased trombone slide!"

With this welcomed lighthearted, insightful new way of see-ing each other,
they both laughed at themselves and haven't taken communication so seriously since.

With that in mind, did you know that 90% of communication is

 Understanding my self, yet not attaching to who I am as a personality only,
so that I can stretch and grow outside of my perceived container(s),
as well as understand, inter-act, and respond with other beings,
rather than react to them,
this knowledge of my inherent nature is helpful information
in order to access the courage to joyfully practice my part in the musical of life.

In the same vein as music, the ocean as a metaphor for navigating life moves me deeply as well.
One of my favorite quotes from Sogyal Rinpoche:

"A wave in the sea, seen in one way, seems to have a distinct identity, an end and a beginning, a birth and a death. Seen in another way, the wave itself doesn't really exist but is just the behavior of water, 'empty' of any separate identity but 'full' of water. So when you really think about the wave, you come to realize that it is something that has been made temporarily possible by wind and water, and is dependent on a set of constantly changing circumstances. You also realize that every wave is related to every other wave."

~ ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

What instrument(s) do you practice playing?
If you're interested in your own exploration of the Jung-inspired Myers-Briggs test:
Also a good book I have read, which includes the test, is
'Please Understand Me II' by David Keirsey

09 October 2009

It's not about the destination

Have you experienced how the anticipation of something can be so
much sweeter
than the actual something when/if it happens?

I've come to realize that this is so because the time leading up to something is what's actually happening, what's real.
Yes, I'm speaking of the trappings of expectation.

I was reminded of this with a recent experience with
the workshop that never was...
After signing up for a 2-hour workshop on Finding Balance, offered by two life coaches, one of whom is also a nutritionist, it was a sweet surprise when one of the workshop leaders invited a connection to self well before, through a question I was asked to answer 'for them'. In pondering this question, I had already begun to enjoy the class, and felt it was going to be $15 (I love Maine) well spent. It's a simple question about what would be most helpful for me to take away from the class, but what it did is became the medium for me to clarify my intention and bring me more conscious about my feelings around the topic of Balance.

After working through my semantic issue with 'finding' balance (for me, the word finding implies searching/looking for something outside of ourselves, something that we 'lost', whereas discovering implies becoming aware of something that has been there all along, but we forgot we knew. They both relate to awareness, so it really wasn't a deal breaker that they titled like they did),
I responded: I'm happy you asked. At this time I have two areas to share about that would be most helpful for me to take away from this class. First, I would like to take away memories of a good time spent connecting and sharing with others, in a healing space grounded in compassion and possibility. Second would be having the opportunity to come to a deeper awareness of how I interact with what I choose to put into my body, how I take care of/honor and listen to my body, and how this relates to the balance of my overall health and well being, as well as to my intention of living in harmony with all parts of my self ...
this or something greater ... !

Well, the class was canceled due to not enough people signing up. 
But as I reflected on what I had hoped to explore in the workshop, I remembered my ideas about the process around finding and discovering (housed in my initial resistance), and how we hold the answers inside of ourselves. A good teacher or class will reflect them back to us, but we have all the tools we need to at least begin.

My style of eating is on the healthy side and I am practicing tuning in to what I am really hungry for at times when I habitually reach for something to put in my mouth.
And since my style of eating has been doing wonders for my husband,
I began to wonder if what keeps me in the same place might be other things that I
put into my body,
that I 'digest',
that may not be nourishing it, or in fact depleting it of its good energy.
I started questioning what other unconscious beliefs might be blocking me.
No concrete answers yet, but I found a clue when I became teary-eyed
hearing how a dear friend put an affirmation on her young daughters' bathroom mirror
that reminded them of how beautiful their body is, inside and out.

I thought I had made friends with my body, but this
seems like a good place to (re)start.

28 September 2009

A Sweet Slice of Fall

To me, this pie is so heavenly, I just needed to share the recipe...

(If she knew she was going to be photographed, she would have worn her fancy top...)

(I am hoping you can click on the pics to make them large enough to read clearer.)
(Instead of the 3/4 - 1 cup of sugar, I use only about 1/4 cup and then add some agave nectar, and I use half 'n half.


Thank you, Rodney...
For this 'welcome to Maine' cookbook years ago,
For taking the time to teach me how to eat a real lobstah,
For your patience with me as I learned to hear you through that thick accent,
And especially for sharing who you were, and for being who you were without apology.
You remain an inspiration, and you are missed.
This pie's for you, I know apple was your favorite!

14 September 2009

A Delicious Revolution

In the interest of completion and a pattern shift from letting things pile up, to creating space for fresh thoughts,

Some random ideas,

Each of which for me could be explored more in depth, and may be one day, but as I understand how the weight of seeing them in my drafts folder affects me (sends a subtle 'have to' message), I release them to the universe...

If there's an original thought out there, I could use it right now. ~ Bob Dylan

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

No matter what, you're either sitting, standing, or lying down ~ Byron Katie

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

Nocturne ~Jennifer K Sweeney

There is a blue city in mind
constructed slantways 

along a rippling canal,
clean and unpeopled but for a musician

who plays a harp without strings.
The city has one chair 

where he sits by the broad strokes of water.
A lone streetlamp casts 

a blue arc of light.
A Persian door. A zeppelin sky.

The world filters through
his empty frame as he plucks the air.

Maybe you hear a song or maybe you don't.
That is the choice we are always making.

(I donned my apron rather than painting clothes this morning...)

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

'Answers' arise following relaxation, and are most often 'found' in what we are taught to understand as hindsight... hindsight is simply wisdom that arises naturally, post-pushing,
after surrendering of the ego's will to 'know', and allowing the channel to the Divine within to open.

(my thought after hearing Philip Glass describe his creative process as something like 'Have you ever stood in the fog and at first couldn't see a thing, but as you softened your gaze, the outline of a tree appears, and eventually you see the complete scene.')

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

If you consider the physiology similarities, fear can disguise itself as excitement.

thought I was excited to go up in the boomlift, but as we lifted higher and higher off the ground, and further away from the base, I was actually more fearful than I had realized. My process of calming down and feeling safe involved first not giving over to the fear (I did not want to get down), then stopping where we were and asking questions to understand the equipment/situation.

Afterward I wondered whether this incongruency is connected with my mom's labor being induced when she gave birth to me. If so, then is my true nature somewhat of a physical thrill-seeker, just on my own terms (don't push me)? Or is it about control?

Maybe the excited feeling was real and the fearful feeling represented my conditioning in the world...

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

"...I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."

~Rainer Maria Rilke, from Letters To a Young Poet

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

 "The opposite for courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow." ~ Jim Hightower

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

"In fact, industrial farming and fast food operate hand in glove, very much like a vast conspiracy. Together they suppress variety, limit our choices, and manipulate our desires by getting us hooked on sugar and salt. What we are calling for is a revolution in public education --- a real Delicious Revolution. When the hearts and minds of our children are captured by a school lunch curriculum, enriched with experience in the garden, sustainability will become the lens through which they see the world."

~ Alice Waters

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

A person was continuously sending up the prayer to win the lottery...
One day the Lord finally said
'I'd really like to help you, my child, but could you meet me halfway and at least
buy a lottery ticket?'

09 August 2009


A 3-week, 4600-mile road trip from southern California to
Home Sweet Home, Maine... 

(One of my favorite photos from the whole trip; Ray snapped this driving north from Bozeman, Montana, while the co-pilot/photographer was on the phone with her mother making plans to meet in North Dakota for a family reunion.)

Thoughts On Home

I believe that our ultimate home is a spiritual place we're all heading. However, as always, I find there are more layers beneath and within this belief...

I found a rhythm, a comfort, a homeyness within the routine of a road trip for those three weeks.

I reconnected with a certain rootedness as we went with my Mom to the farm where she grew up, and also spent some time in the places of my childhood, which led to some resolving of what my home was in reality back then and letting go of the idea of home I had thought I wanted.

A realtor distinctly referred to our current dwelling as having the feel of a
home rather than a house.
And being back, with my love, after being away for eighteen months,
I agree that there certainly is a difference between a house and a home. Even though plans are to move forward at some point from this home, I know I am blessed to be home, to be here now. I now know and claim that what I am blessed with is not contained in or restricted by these particular walls, though this home will always have a special place in my heart.

For me, home is an internal place which is not static, and I am discovering that becoming aware of the present (dual meaning intended) home rather than trying to attain some feeling, or idea of a feeling, from the past or the future, is where peace lies. It is to be who you are, wherever you are, so yes, one of the most difficult journeys we take.

On the other hand, home is just a word, yet I am reminded of how words can have the power to confine or liberate us. Perhaps home is simply a representation of personal experience in meaning and sentiment, and evolving through each phase of life naturally.

What does home mean to you...  is it defined by people, a certain place, a feeling, a time,
Is it heaven on earth, grounding, a place of renewal and growth, a sanctuary, comforting, safe, impermanent, 
ever-changing, consistent, elusive...


I awoke
this morning
in the gold light
turning this way
and that

thinking for
a moment
it was one
like any other.

the veil had gone
from my
darkened heart
I thought

it must have been the quiet
that filled my room,

it must have been
the first
easy rhythm
with which I breathed
myself to sleep,

it must have been
the prayer I said
speaking to the otherness
of the night.

I thought
this is the good day
you could
meet your love,

this is the black day
someone close
to you could die.

This is the day
you realize
how easily the thread
is broken
between this world
and the next

and I found myself
sitting up
in the quiet pathway
of light,

the tawny
close grained cedar
burning round
me like fire
and all the angels of this housely
heaven ascending
through the first
roof of light
the sun has made.

This is the bright home
in which I live,
this is where
I ask 
my friends
to come,
this is where I want
to love all the things
it has taken me so long
to learn to love.

This is the temple
of my adult aloneness
and I belong
to that aloneness
as I belong to my life.

There is no house
like the house of belonging.

13 July 2009

Goodbody Every Evening

You don't have a soul.

You are a soul.

You have a body.

~C.S. Lewis

How to Stay in the Present Moment, Eckhart Tolle

1. Inhabit the body. Sense the aliveness that is in the body. This takes your attention away from thought. The practice of physical movements such as Tai Chi helps. Sensing the body becomes an anchor for staying present in the now.

2. Make it your practice to welcome this moment, no matter what form it takes. Say yes to whatever is “now”. There is only one moment, but different forms of it. The secret is not to resist these forms. Surrendering to the forms that arise takes you to the formless in yourself. You then sense a spaciousness around whatever happens in your life. People, events, situations, objects come and go. Being in the now moment liberates you from form, from the world. With that liberation comes enormous peace.

Nothing happens next.  Everything happens now.  ~Cheri Huber

What are the benefits of general awareness?

We avoid showing ourselves by using our musculature to create protective barriers around our vulnerabilities. By becoming aware, we have the choice to lower these barriers or to continue to live behind them. Maintaining the barriers expends a lot of energy that could be used for your life's purpose, for something other than retaining muscle tension or an emotional position. Rosen Method bodywork begins with the individual and his or her own growth, but it doesn't stop there. The individual's growth leads to action, and those actions cause a ripple effect in the world; the possibilities are unending.

~ Marion Rosen

The Edge of Awareness, Eugene Gendlin

Inward listening is a dialogue in which "I" and "what comes" both participate and change.

Inward listening lets go of self-engineering, but not of forward-moving bodily life-energy and active development. It is a dialogue with a sensed "edge" that comes physically in us, which we cannot direct or construct. In that dialogue I do not become less than in my usual ways of living. I become more than I was.

We value this edge because it is a porous borderzone through which new steps come that we could not have made. In this metaphor the word "edge" works oddly. This "edge" is the center of the body. It is also the center of speech and action. What you really meant by what you said — or, the motivation you really felt is that unclear but alive bodily sense.


(Who's there?)


(Nobody who?)


01 July 2009

Glimpses Now and Then

The experience I wish to share is circular, and multi-layered, and somewhat of a challenge to put into words.  My internal critic wants me to involve my ego, both of which would very much like to influence my sharing...  in this situation I am inclined to kindly ask them to step aside for a little while.

This encompasses what I understand to be the richness of my human experience that is available when I slow down.  It's an opportunity for me to get out of my own way, to stop pushing/looking/seeking long enough to look around in wonder at what is occurring NOW. Indeed, there has always been so much more going on than what anybody is doing, so this is simply a way of honoring how happy I am to share how little I know.  All of this happened THEN, but through making the connections, it also lives and breathes through me right now.

It's a lofty intention to live like this more and more, so for me I am learning that taking the time to recognize these powerful *glimpses* creates the space for more of them...

These are the nouns this story includes but are not limited to:  a dentist, an office manager, a pin-pusher, a horse, death, toxins, new life, a humble seeker of joy through all of life's perceived ups and downs, and all of us just doing the best we can with where we are and with what we know.

A while back, the seeker began to receive acupuncture for the first time in her life.  A while before this, she began to step up into her role as friend and caretaker of her body, and cautiously trusting its wisdom.  (Gratefully, that caution is slowly losing its hold on her mind). {Side note:  Whenever I encounter someone in the healing arts -or otherwise for that matter-who attempts to override this trust in myself, or in some subtle way attempts to lead me to trust in them rather than to nurture my own inner knowing, I am recognizing that it is in my best interest to simply move on.   When I am of sound mind and body, seeking help ought never to bring me to a position of giving up my own intuition or power.  No matter how well-intentioned, when it's also a way they make their living, I believe lines can become blurred in these areas of 'service'.}

So, the pin-pusher is this type of person who sees herself only as a conduit, which I believe paved the way for authentic healing to take place.   As the treatment went on, she listened to me, and shared what she believed to be occurring in my body, based on Chinese Medicine philosophy, as my meridians began to open and flow more freely.  I found the process absolutely fascinating and enlightening, and it deepened my communication between my mind and my body.  In order to receive the type of help I needed, I needed to seek the kind of helper I needed.  And because she is also a seeker, she said she learned a lot about herself and her ongoing practice through our mutual exchange.

One of the 'side effects' of acupuncture is that the body attempts to rid itself of what it perceives as toxins or blocks to overall health and vitality.  This idea of toxins is very broad and individual and inclusive of all levels, physical, emotional, mental, creative, etc., and as this was happening for me, I found that the space to share was critical not only for me but for my acupuncturist in order to continually adjust the treatments to address all of what was going on.  For me, this piece was allowing and not resisting the assistance I had asked for, and discerning that this was a situation where I could trust to let my guard down in order to progress internally.  Trust was one word that came up a lot in the beginning, and she often reminded me that only good can come from this, and that blocked energy that is beginning to shift and move is often registered in the brain as pain.  This knowledge totally reshaped my view on pain, and my judgment of it as 'bad'.  I equate it to how the body will adapt to even the harshest of toxins before it gives out, and how the way back to health can 'feel' much worse than the way to un-health.  And how a headache, a cold, a fever, can all be ways for the body to rid itself of what is not serving our optimal health.

Being ready to let go of many of these toxic/limiting thoughts and patterns, I rather enjoyed that part, and could feel some of the resultant letting go in my physical body.  Slow but sure, I said thank you and goodbye to some deep-seated ones.  I could wrap my head around this concept, this side effect, very easily but was very skeptical of the idea that amalgam fillings could literally begin to fall out!  So strong was my denial of this happening that when the first one did in January not only did I not make the connection with the acupuncture, I replaced it with another amalgam because insurance didn't cover the full amount of a composite.  Thanks for trying to help me, body, but...  My delightful dentist (who I didn't know was so delightful at this time) tried to steer me away from this, but could see my mind was made up.  (yeah, he just wanted to make that extra $30 so he could go to some fancy restaurant on my money, ha ha).

Many acupuncture sessions later, and an understanding that not only was I clearing physical toxins, the emotional ones that go along with them as well (I learned that it is important to address the emotions that were present as a child when these fillings were originally done, which opened up a whole new level of vulnerabilities and shame to be healed), and on we go to May and my routine 6-month cleaning.  I knew I had another filling that was chipped, and had already decided to splurge with a composite replacement.  But as it turned out the filling was such a gigantic one that he recommended a crown.  A porcelain one at that.  cha-ching, cha-ching, if you catch my drift.  So I asked for a quote for my out-of-pocket costs from the office manager, got an amount (went with the porcelain over metal rather than the pricier all-porcelain one... baby steps), which for me was a lot of money.  I made the appointment for this work to be done, and was starting to feel good about handling these things instead of letting them pile up.  When I returned for the appointment the next week, I wasn't feeling well or particularly strong, I had a headache, and the last thing I wanted to do was sit in a dentist chair.  The new girl had screwed up my appointment, and had me scheduled with one of the other dentists (much as my mind wanted me to think that my dentist was just another greedy businessman, I only wanted to be treated by him... hmm), and my copay amount suddenly went up by $30. New girl couldn't handle my direct questions (I was not feeling well so I'm sure I was not very sweet, however, I was not 'emotional' towards her), and she did what most people do when they feel threatened and exposed for their lack of knowledge.  She tried to assert some power and false idea of 'take it or leave it, that's just how it is'.  When that didn't work, she handed me over to the office manager, who of course overheard all of what had unfolded already and brought an attitude into our conversation, and she eventually got frustrated and was about to give up as well.  I was aware that what I was asking for was so foreign because it was too simple.  In their jobs, they have to wade through such a mountain of information when it comes to insurance companies, their heads are so filled with this protocol, that my asking why the cost of a procedure changed from one day to the next completely threw them.  My opening to bring in some rationality was when the office manager stopped her justifying/rambling and said 'What is it you want from me, Melanie?' I smiled and said that first I wanted us both to take a breath.  Then I said I wanted her to help me understand the change in the copay.  Thankfully, she got right on board with my clear request, and together we discovered that the insurance company had given two different quotes on two different days for the exact same billing code.  Okay, now we both learned something and had a fresh starting place.  But to get there, we needed to look through many pieces of convoluted paperwork, which takes time and patience.  It's simply the system we have to deal with.  Meanwhile, a guy showed up who was in pain and wanted to get in asap.  Sorry, sir, there's no more appointments available today, you can come in first thing tomorrow morning.  That was my cue to reschedule my appointment with the dentist I wanted anyways.

So a week later, I had the old filling removed and a temporary crown put on.  I also learn that the dentist is a self-proclaimed 'professional hummer' of classical music, which he always has playing in the background.  I opened my eyes and saw that he's actually a genuinely joyful, happy person, and when I meet someone like that it is very humbling to recognize how easy it is to miss.  Aren't these people to be found working for a peace institute?  (wink wink). Authentic people don't try to change negativity, they just sidestep it and go on.  I began paying attention to how he speaks lovingly of his wife and three children, of his life overall, of his Mom and brother back in Mexico who he knows not to call in the afternoons because they are taking Siesta, he smiles a lot, he tells interesting stories, he is direct, and he's a competent dentist offering a good service to the community.  Further, I feel safe opening my mouth and giving him permission to poke around with sharp tools and drills in my teeth.

Two weeks later, I returned to have the permanent crown put on.  (By this time, the front office girls seem to enjoy seeing me, they definitely know who I am now, and I enjoy seeing them as well.  I have learned that one of them has a boyfriend on deployment in Iraq, and the other is seeing someone new who wants her to move to New York.  I am so glad to relate on a personal level.)  This is also the day just following my intense weekend of being in charge of the horses when two of them had serious health situations arise and needed to be taken to the clinic for surgeries.  I ended up sharing this with the dentist, and he genuinely cared.

Prior to that weekend, I had also decided the time was showing itself to leave my job, so it would be a good time to handle the other 3 fillings that were nearly falling out.  I had begun to trust the dentist, but the assistant was another story.  She seemed to be so green, and I liked her only being in charge of the suction and the passing of tools.  When she began scraping the cement off the edges of my newly placed crown with one of those very sharp instruments, I was on full alert and ready to make her abort at the slightest sense of her doing it 'wrong'!  In that moment I thought of how we are all here to be students and teachers for one another.  I had just been in a position of extreme helplessness with the horses in terms of what I could do to relieve their pain, but I was not help-less.  I could only give what I had to give.  I could get them help, be their advocate, their friend, be present with them through a scary situation, I could be their witness.  I related this to my fear of what harm this assistant might do to me, worst of which might be a little poke in the gums, and was then happy to be a person for her to practice on to build her confidence.

To complete all this work, it seemed I was at this office at least once a week over the past month.  My final appointment in this stretch of dental work was yesterday.  The dentist happened to have his wife and two of their three children stop in, and I got to meet these lovely people.  I shared with the front office girls and the dentist my upcoming move from the area, and I was very aware that I was speaking to dear people who I will remember fondly.  During my procedure, the dentist and I had a nice exchange about serendipity and chance encounters that don't seem to be very important at the time but turn out to be significant or even life-changing....  Amen!

One horse passes on,
new life and new beginnings arise,
we let go and we hang on,
plant seeds and reap the harvest,
we honor the old and the new,
and the circle of life continues...

It turned out to be a lot of words here, and I have to say, oh well.  One day I hope to reach a point where I just say wow, *great glimpse* and move on, but maybe that hope is my ego talking...  I guess I am not a short, tidy story type of gal...
thank you for sharing this part of my journey with me....
Blessings to your own glimpses, which I would love to hear about...

25 June 2009

From C to shining C

A spin on Circles and Commitment
that is
for me during a time of transitioning into what's next in my external world,
which reminds me that the only 'what's next' worthy of my attention in my internal world is my next breath... of which I am grateful to receive.

I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not complete this last one
but I give myself to it.
I circle around God, around the primordial tower.
I've been circling for thousands of years
and I still don't know: am I a falcon,
a storm, or a great song?
Ranier Maria Rilke ~

The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating - in work, in play, in love.
The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation.
To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.

~ Anne Morriss ~

07 June 2009

Rest in Peace, dear Sonlight

You brought sunshine to my days,
and I will miss your physical presence.
I am grateful I got to know you!
You taught me about true strength,
the essence of how being strong
does not involve an abuse of power.
The other horses looked to you for your
guidance and wisdom, to show them the way,
and your example of leadership will live on...
God bless you, dear one.
Safe travels.
And if you see Mr. Blue,

or Grandpa,

say hello for me.

05 June 2009

Outer Space II

Well, it's back.

But as it turns out it doesn't carry a lot of importance anymore, which has been an unexpected discovery.

What I've noticed is that since I have gained the awareness of the effect it was having on me, its effect has diminished, along with its power to affect me in a contractive way.  *Reaffirms my belief that knowledge is power, but awareness is the key to freedom.*  At the end of the day, its presence is not that big of a deal, unless I focus on it.  (If we focus on the problem, how much more difficult is it to see the solution?)

The deeper lesson for me is to be found in the awareness of how getting to know those other 'trailers' that block my awarenesses creates a lot of precious space inside.  All 'trailers' do tend to continue showing back up until finally through the conscious awareness that they are there, they don't become permanently entrenched. Trailers do, after all, have wheels, making them much easier to move if they aren't allowed to sit still and rust...

And hay (pun intended), this is a classic, a relic, and beautiful in its own way,
so why not just enjoy it!

27 May 2009

outer space

This is a photo
of what

Picture an 8-foot tall by 10-foot long horse trailer here.
Just sitting there, seldom used, in case of an emergency.
I never thought anything of it, it was just there.
Someone decided to put it there.
I never thought about what it was blocking.
I never thought about the effect it had on me.
Until it was gone.
By chance, it needed to be moved temporarily recently.
The barn is just behind, so it is a place I spend a good part of my day.
I found myself feeling better in this space.
I could breathe better, I literally felt as if a weight had been lifted.
I am working to find a new home for it.
Made me wonder what other 'trailers' might be ready to be moved.

17 May 2009

...that's how the light gets in

One year ago today, my love and I got to see Leonard Cohen at the Confederation Center in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. A great story in and of itself how he managed to get us tickets... I don't go to a lot of concerts anymore because I've gotten very selective, but this experience blew my mind.....

It's also been about one year of some intense participation in the 'healing game' for me. For many years now I have been on a path of becoming friends (or at least friendly) with my body, which has led me to some fascinating places. But it all started with a curiosity about whether my relationship with my body was creating some sort of disconnect in my approach to my life overall. I've placed much importance on understanding the connection and inter-connectedness of body, spirit, and creativity, and have understood on an intellectual level how they all have an effect on each other, but my awareness has been increased when I began considering all of this along with the idea that...

Energy Follows Thought

And it's not always conscious thought, in fact, I believe it's often unconscious thought, or what we learn as children (whether intentionally taught or unintentionally learned, this is not a parent-bashing session). Bringing one's thoughts to consciousness can be a difficult process, because let's face it, our thoughts, wherever they come from, are not all of sunshine and roses. But then I started recognizing that I am not those thoughts, unless I choose to identify with them. I am speaking of the types of thoughts based in self-doubt and self-judgment, anything blocking my creative expression of who I am. So why go through it?? I have asked myself that many times, and at one point I realized it was simply to be able to be present with joy. By following and identifying with thoughts of authenticity rather than the other stuff.

You are not responsible for your disease
but you are responsible to the disease

When a progressive chiropractor/nutritionist/intuitive healing-type person I consult with said this to me, it brought me out of the darkness I was in at the time, trying to figure out what I had done 'wrong' to create this dis-ease in my second chakra (dwelling place of the self). Then on the journey of handling it, I encountered this statement...

What is not life threatening... is life OFFERING

Look back only long enough to see how far you've come

We all have power statements, touchstones, things that we connect to that help us make sense of what life brings and to find some inner peace. What are yours?

Indeed, there is a crack in everything...