28 September 2009

A Sweet Slice of Fall

To me, this pie is so heavenly, I just needed to share the recipe...

(If she knew she was going to be photographed, she would have worn her fancy top...)

(I am hoping you can click on the pics to make them large enough to read clearer.)
(Instead of the 3/4 - 1 cup of sugar, I use only about 1/4 cup and then add some agave nectar, and I use half 'n half.


Thank you, Rodney...
For this 'welcome to Maine' cookbook years ago,
For taking the time to teach me how to eat a real lobstah,
For your patience with me as I learned to hear you through that thick accent,
And especially for sharing who you were, and for being who you were without apology.
You remain an inspiration, and you are missed.
This pie's for you, I know apple was your favorite!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh... the pie looks so good. I can almost smell the sweet scent. I may get inspired! I love you Mella! Rhonda

mella said...

It tastes as good as it smells too!
Love you too :)