My mom's name is Eunice.
I always thought it was a nice name,
and that it fit her, because she is, well, quite a nice person.
Plus she's a Minnesotan, and you know what they say about them...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Recently someone who doesn't know anyone else in my family except me,
made a comment about my 'you-ness'.
I thought that was such a sweet thing to say and it kept rolling around in my head.
Then it hit me for the first time in my 37 years I've known my mother...
my Eu-nice!
It has been an enlightening journey discovering, honoring, and claiming
the parts of me that have the essence of her in them too.
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Another friend speaks of all of what we receive from our birth parents as
fertile soil from which to grow.
I believe that to be true
whatever our current, past, or future relationship may be with them,
and that it's much larger than what the relationship is/was in the physical.
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Oh what joy is to be found in simply witnessing our collective you-ness!
Love my "you-nice" and your "you-nice" and our "Eunice" Mom! I learn from you sweet sistah! Rhonda
Thanks Rhonda. We are truly blessed.
I love how our varied geographical situations allow for each of us to have and to share very different experiences... How unique is it to actually be on a bowling league with your Mom! :~)
And so the learning continues...
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