09 October 2009

It's not about the destination

Have you experienced how the anticipation of something can be so
much sweeter
than the actual something when/if it happens?

I've come to realize that this is so because the time leading up to something is what's actually happening, what's real.
Yes, I'm speaking of the trappings of expectation.

I was reminded of this with a recent experience with
the workshop that never was...
After signing up for a 2-hour workshop on Finding Balance, offered by two life coaches, one of whom is also a nutritionist, it was a sweet surprise when one of the workshop leaders invited a connection to self well before, through a question I was asked to answer 'for them'. In pondering this question, I had already begun to enjoy the class, and felt it was going to be $15 (I love Maine) well spent. It's a simple question about what would be most helpful for me to take away from the class, but what it did is became the medium for me to clarify my intention and bring me more conscious about my feelings around the topic of Balance.

After working through my semantic issue with 'finding' balance (for me, the word finding implies searching/looking for something outside of ourselves, something that we 'lost', whereas discovering implies becoming aware of something that has been there all along, but we forgot we knew. They both relate to awareness, so it really wasn't a deal breaker that they titled like they did),
I responded: I'm happy you asked. At this time I have two areas to share about that would be most helpful for me to take away from this class. First, I would like to take away memories of a good time spent connecting and sharing with others, in a healing space grounded in compassion and possibility. Second would be having the opportunity to come to a deeper awareness of how I interact with what I choose to put into my body, how I take care of/honor and listen to my body, and how this relates to the balance of my overall health and well being, as well as to my intention of living in harmony with all parts of my self ...
this or something greater ... !

Well, the class was canceled due to not enough people signing up. 
But as I reflected on what I had hoped to explore in the workshop, I remembered my ideas about the process around finding and discovering (housed in my initial resistance), and how we hold the answers inside of ourselves. A good teacher or class will reflect them back to us, but we have all the tools we need to at least begin.

My style of eating is on the healthy side and I am practicing tuning in to what I am really hungry for at times when I habitually reach for something to put in my mouth.
And since my style of eating has been doing wonders for my husband,
I began to wonder if what keeps me in the same place might be other things that I
put into my body,
that I 'digest',
that may not be nourishing it, or in fact depleting it of its good energy.
I started questioning what other unconscious beliefs might be blocking me.
No concrete answers yet, but I found a clue when I became teary-eyed
hearing how a dear friend put an affirmation on her young daughters' bathroom mirror
that reminded them of how beautiful their body is, inside and out.

I thought I had made friends with my body, but this
seems like a good place to (re)start.

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