for the *spark*
to revisit the inspiration
for this blog,
the dream for us all to
live in possibility
oh, how poetically,
a person
who made himself available
is guided
to the wellspring of wonder
tapping into his own potential
through playing his instrument
riding the wave of
one-buttock playing (!)
his music became the instrument that touched souls,
lifted spirits,
and connected us to one another.
becoming fascinated
along the way
by mis-takes
in the garden of
the ultimate glory
of these gifts
goes to the
higher source of power
which is so much
grander and vast
than our own concept of
their potential.
passing through
In this place of tremendous insecurity
I raise my arms in the air and say
'how fascinating!'
for this blessed awakening
shines a light in the direction of the only security there actually is in my view,
living in a space beyond hope
and beyond fear,
in the present moment.
this insecurity keeps
my heart open.
practicing seeing
with a fresh view,
my spirit has been moved
and wider.
who knew that it was possible to
lift lower!
for me this idea of lifting lower translates
within the rich duality of ones'
evolving comprehension of darkness
and spiritual mysteries,
intertwining the nature of those two notions
creates a
space between
where the
softness of loving and acceptance
and pure clarity
a space that simply
a space that is the ground
made fertile by
cultivating into it
our manure of experience,
individually and collectively...
haven't yet arrived
but not just starting...