they are able to form a list with the greatest of ease.
i am not one of those people.
(unless it's in the context of ordering lunch, in which case, I know all too well what I want and how I want it! I'm one of 'those people' who often alters or substitutes {surprised?}, which of course is not what I am
talking about here.
think 'cloudy-er',
but i am becoming quite fond of(unless it's in the context of ordering lunch, in which case, I know all too well what I want and how I want it! I'm one of 'those people' who often alters or substitutes {surprised?}, which of course is not what I am
talking about here.
think 'cloudy-er',
sitting with this question.
because it always leads me to the
warmer, *juicy-er* underbelly...
warmer, *juicy-er* underbelly...
Our minds tend to lead us to believe that what we think/believe/feel we want is paramount, but in my experience, regularly asking the question with freshness is the container in which to listen for the essence, the underlying current, of what is actually going on in reality. Giving some space for the what's to breathe and stretch out... and taking a look at *that*
as it relates to your life,
allowing the natural response to its sister question
'what are you / do you want to be doing?' to arise.
or simply being with that new shape
is what brings a clarity to the totality of it,as it relates to your life,
allowing the natural response to its sister question
'what are you / do you want to be doing?' to arise.
There's also this idea Alan Watts presents in Cloud Hidden:
"We do not know what we want because we are only so dimly aware of
anything wantable.
We have taught ourselves to pursue such abstract and weakly perceived goals as happiness, love, goodness, service to others, fun, fame, fortune, power, peace, or God – but we have
more words than experience
for what we mean."
He goes on to list many things,
beautifully wantable...
"I want to spend time sitting still,
or walking slowly,
wondering at and feeling the basic sense of existence,
of being alive-dead,
of watching my breath,
of hearing all sounds in the air,
and of letting clouds and stars caress my eyes.
I want to let go of anxiety and turn it into laughter, and realize absolutely thatlife and death
are two sides of the same coin.
I want a companion who will, alternatively, melt into me and wrestle with me, obey me and object to me, admire me and then suddenly show that they can do so many things much better than I.
I want to sit at a typewriter, at certain times,
carefully and meticulously
putting into words what I feel-
I want to make a fire of charcoal and burn cedar leaves or sandalwood, late in the evening, while listening or dancing to classical or rock music.
I want to sit at a typewriter, at certain times,
carefully and meticulously
putting into words what I feel-
the challenge being that it cannot really be put into words at all.
I want to be able to allay pain and sickness with the touch of my hands.I want to make a fire of charcoal and burn cedar leaves or sandalwood, late in the evening, while listening or dancing to classical or rock music.
I want to see the reflection of light in glass and crystal, and lying on the ground, to look up at trees patterning a vivid blue sky. At night to go to sleep beneath them, and to wake just before dawn when the stars can still be seen through their branches.
….. earthy as it may be, this is a glimpse of my idea of heaven."
'what do you want out of your life-ier'
gooooood question.
today theo asked me, 'mommy, where is heaven?'
love this post...i'll have to visit it again when i am awake-ier.
love you!
oh, i love theo! the ponderings inside his five year old mind show what a delightful spirit and curiosity he has.
I bet he already has some idea too...
love you too mama-lady. mwa!
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