13 April 2009

How Fascinating!

The joy of living...
joie de vivre "can be a joy of conversation, joy of eating, joy of anything one might do... And joie de vivre may be seen as a joy of everything, a comprehensive joy, a philosophy of life, a Weltanschauung (wide world perception). Robert's Dictionnaire says joie is sentiment exaltant ressenti par toute la conscience, that is, involves one's whole being."

Sometimes I get so tired of hearing myself say 'how inspiring', and then seemingly changing nothing in my life because I was so inspired... well, today I was reminded how sometimes the action comes when you least expect it. Inspiration works in this mysterious way. Hmmmm, who decides whether to let it out or not, and to allow the inspiration to move me into action?

Today when I did something stupid because I was all wrapped up in my pain-body (Eckhart Tolle term) and as a result had actual physical pain in my body when I tripped and fell on my ass. After a few &*#s, I remembered to stand back up and throw my hands in the air and say 'How fascinating!'... And it did help for a little while, until my ego realized how I had tricked it!

What triggered my pain-body does need to be dealt with, Ben Franklin was right on when he said 'the only things certain in life are death and taxes', and de Nile isn't just a river in Egypt, but I am so excited to have been shaken out of needing to do it all right now. Sometimes you need all your energy to just handle what you're actually doing right now so that there is the possibility of finding some joy in the moment of now.

'Nothing happens next. Everything happens now' ~ Cheri Huber

This link is still inspiring to me, it's just not easy to live this way. But God willing I'd like to keep trying to not live in downward spirals... and instead to live in a world of POSSIBILITY...


Elizabeth Halt said...

that video was fantastic. I have not seen a more joyful being. I am teary-eyed. That is the world I want to live in. :)

hi .. jenny (ethiopifinn) said I should visit you. I'm glad I did. I can't wait to read more ..


mella said...

note: if link to video no longer works, at www.poptech.com search for Benjamin Zander 2008

'The only conductor to ever lead the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, Zander is a prophet of human potential and an unrivaled champion of joie de vivre. Watch as he helps unlock the boundless potential of a 15 year old cellist and teaches the entire Pop!Tech audience what it means to live in a world of possibility.'