Yogi Bhajan brought Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of Awareness) to the West in the '60s. He went to an LA auditorium to speak to anyone interested in learning about it. No one showed up. He spoke anyway, to an empty auditorium, so strong was the conviction in his heart of what he must do.
I believe that what he was practicing was his own mastery, and so it didn't matter who was listening at the time... fifty years later, I sit here still trying to absorb the message.
Several years ago I took a 3 hour Kundalini class, and one powerful message I recall often when I am taking my body image too seriously is the teacher cooing 'loooooooove your belllly'. Still makes me smile!
I believe that what he was practicing was his own mastery, and so it didn't matter who was listening at the time... fifty years later, I sit here still trying to absorb the message.
"If you want to learn a thing, read that.
If you want to know a thing, write that.
If you want to master a thing, teach that."
~ Yogi Bhajan
If you want to know a thing, write that.
If you want to master a thing, teach that."
~ Yogi Bhajan
Several years ago I took a 3 hour Kundalini class, and one powerful message I recall often when I am taking my body image too seriously is the teacher cooing 'loooooooove your belllly'. Still makes me smile!
Listen to and practice really receiving this blessing into your heart...
only then can it radiate out to others...
only then can it radiate out to others...
May the longtime sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on